Kelly Rose

Evolution launches new division

EVOLUTION HAS launched a new dedicated Life Safety Systems division to provide a range of specialist services and solutions to new and existing clients.


The new division will build on the company’s 26 years’ experience, expertise and success of its fire safety systems team, to deliver a range of new services and technologies to accommodate a broader portfolio of environments and risk.

Services include the design, installation and maintenance of critical safety systems including sprinklers, fire hydrants, automatic opening vents (AOVs) and gas suppression systems, as well as the provision of portable extinguishers. 

It will also design and deliver Disabled Refuge solutions and Public Address/Voice Alarm (PA/VA) technologies in scenarios where the safe evacuation of large numbers of employees, residents, patients or guests (e.g in hospitals and hotels) is key.

The Life Safety Systems division will also provide new technical services including fire risk assessments and strategic risk assessments, as well as ongoing inspections and repairs of fire door systems and passive fire protection services.

01628 530 380 http://
Evolution launches new division
Evolution launches new division
Company Info

Evolution (ESS) Ltd

Stag Place
Woodburn Town
Wooburn Green
High Wycombe
HP10 0TT

01628 530 380

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