Kelly Rose

Case Studies
Cognitive bias and defending health and safety investigations
MUCH IS now understood about cognitive bias and the implications for decision-making. Unfortunately, that understanding is rarely applied in the criminal justice process, says Tom McNeill.

3 years ago Publication Editor

Air pollution linked to sight loss
A LARGE UK study has linked air pollution to a higher risk of irreversible sight loss. The research found that small increases in air pollution is associated with more cases of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of severe, permanent vision loss in people aged over 60 years old.

3 years ago Publication Editor

How a London council increased lone worker protection
WHEN YOU'RE responsible for the health and safety of a large and varied workforce, with workers carrying out different roles within distinct departments and facing unique risks, ensuring that everyone has the tools they need to work safely can be a real challenge.

4 years ago Publication Editor

Safe maintenance with Lockout/Tagout implementation
ONTEX, A leading international personal hygiene group, wanted to achieve a high level of safety and efficiency for machine maintenance interventions. Read how Brady Corporation has helped Ontex to implement efficient Lockout/Tagout-procedures that deliver optimal maintenance safety and speed for a wide range of machinery in Buggenhout, Belgium.

4 years ago Publication Editor

Hygiene and safety recommendations for manufacturers
A NEW site safety guide shares hygiene and safety recommendations for manufacturers.

4 years ago Publication Editor

Get your FREE report today!
EARLIER THIS year leading independent analysts, Verdantix, produced a report highlighting that Airsweb are the first EHS provider to successfully apply a graph database architecture to their EHS software – AVA – the most technologically advanced but easy to use EHS software on the market!

4 years ago

Helping hands
The global COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges for safety managers across almost every industry sector. From a hand hygiene and disposable glove perspective, the impact has been felt at both ends of the scale with greater awareness and acceptance on one hand and demand outstripping supply. Here, Donald Gillespie looks at the impact Covid-19 has had.

4 years ago

“Swift response” needed to protect ‘gig’ workers
THE INSTITUTION of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has called for a “swift response” to a UK High Court ruling that ‘gig’ workers should be offered the same protection as permanent colleagues.

4 years ago

IP&E Digital Maintenance Conference set for tomorrow
TAKING PLACE tomorrow (Tuesday 17 November), the inaugural Industrial Plant & Equipment Live online maintenance conference will feature a packed programme of presentations including one from the Health and Safety Executive, which are aimed at anyone with an interest in industrial maintenance and reliability.

4 years ago

Public supports mandatory ‘alcolock’ technology
DRAEGER SAFETY UK has published new YouGov commissioned research to explore attitudes to drinking and driving in the UK.

4 years ago

UV survey reveals dangers for outdoor workers
SC Johnson Professional has conducted a UV survey which reveals dangers for outdoor workers: one in three health and safety professionals claim that no UV protection is supplied

4 years ago

Covid-19:  A case study in why comfort is a safety issue.
The current unprecedented global challenge presented by Covid-19 will almost inevitably mean changes in all our lives that don’t just last the three or four weeks of a ‘lockdown’ but may well be permanent. Undoubtedly there are lessons to be learned and specifically in the safety industry it is another lesson, as if there weren’t already plenty, highlighting that comfort is a safety issue.

4 years ago

Seaward PrimeTest range still leading the PAT testing market
The classic PrimeTest range by North East England firm Seaward, which is said to have revolutionised Portable Appliance Testers (PAT), is still leading the field 10 years after first being introduced to the market.

7 years ago Publication Editor

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