Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
HAND PROTECTION specialist Unigloves has launched a comprehensive new product guide providing a wealth of information for anyone with responsibility for workplace hand protection.
The 100-page guide – available by download at - https://info.unigloves.co.uk/product-catalogue-download-lp - focuses not only on Unigloves’ growing range of hand protection solutions, but includes information on its global manufacturing capabilities, an explanation of EN glove standards and their meaning including the latest PPE Regulations, a glove materials guide to help select the right glove for typical hazard categories as well as a handy glove sizing guide.
Gloves from across the Unigloves range are grouped in key categories including:
Cut Resistant
Chemical Resistant
Electricians Gloves and Accessories
Skincare Products
Full features and benefits of each of the glove listed are included as are the industrial sectors each of the gloves are best suited for, simplifying the glove selection process.
Chris Wahlers, UK managing director of Unigloves says, “Our vision is to be the leading and most responsible hand protection manufacturer in the world, and our latest product guide reflects the growing range of performance hand protection solutions we are providing to our distribution partners and End Users.
“Unigloves covers a wide variety of industry sectors, from automotive, glass, Transport and Logistics through to the food, medical and healthcare.
“But we recognise that it is not just about manufacturing and keeping the world’s hands safe, which is why we have put together a highly experienced and specialist sales and technical team to work with our customers directly. We want to understand their needs and support them through glove selection, provision, training and ongoing support.”
To download your copy of the new product guide visit https://info.unigloves.co.uk/product-catalogue-download-lp.
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