The Royal Environmental Health
Institute of Scotland (REHIS) is an
independent, self-financing registered
Scottish charity, the main objective of
which is promote the advancement of
Environmental Health by: Stimulating
The Royal Environmental Health
Institute of Scotland (REHIS) is an
independent, self-financing registered
Scottish charity, the main objective of
which is promote the advancement of
Environmental Health by: Stimulating
general interest in and disseminating
knowledge concerning Environmental
Health; Promoting education and
training in matters relating to
Environmental Health; Maintaining,
by examination or otherwise, high
standards of professional practice and
conduct on the part of
Environmental Health Officers in
Scotland. It also acts as the awarding
body for a number of qualifications
in Occupational Health and Safety.
The Institute will be at Health &
Safety Scotland promoting its
accredited health and safety courses
which cover topics including health
and safety law, hazard identification,
risk assessment and control, the
working environment, hazardous
substances, PPE and manual
handling. Stand 74