Kelly Rose

All being well

David Smith explains how a proactive approach to employee wellbeing can lead to a happier and more productive workplace The type of problems and issues that employees need to deal with on a daily basis are considerabDavid Smith explains how a proactive approach to employee wellbeing can lead to a happier and more productive workplace

The type of problems and issues that employees need to deal with on a daily basis are considerable.

An individual employee, for example, might be struggling with personal and family relationship issues, clashing with a colleague or line manager, be coping with depression or another psychological condition, addressing substance abuse or they may be trying to manage personal finance problems.

These issues will naturally impact on an employee in the workplace, whether affecting their attitude, performance or overall productivity, and as the line between an individual's personal and professional life becomes blurred, many employers have stepped in by offering an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).

Here proactive employers have acknowledged their role in helping employees to address, discuss and resolve personal and professional issues. After all, it's true that for the vast majority of employers a happy worker is a productive one. And if this is to be believed, it's worthwhile and prudent to invest in an employee's health and wellbeing through an EAP.

Understanding the role of EAPs Since their introduced to the UK in the late 1970s, EAPs have become an effective way for employers to improve and support the healthy functioning of their workforce. According to the latest independent research commissioned by UK EAPA (2008), 5200 organisations - representing over 8.2 million employees - already enjoy the services of an EAP and indications are that this number has growing significantly in recent years.

Essentially, EAPs are workplace programmes that are designed to assist productivity and attendance issues within the workplace and support employees to identify and resolve personal concerns that may affect job performance. They provide confidential support services, on demand, when it is needed, free of charge to employees. As such, EAPs are essentially a gateway to a wide range of services and support functions. They provide managed access to a range of experts and mental health professionals and via a structured assessment of needs can provide support, guidance and information on issues including health, marital, family, financial, alcohol, drug, legal, emotional, stress, or other personal issues.

The use of an EAP service by an employee is voluntary and the vast majority of employees who use EAP services do so through self-referrals.

Alongside this group, most EAPs will also accept referrals from other stakeholders, such as trade union representatives, HR and line managers. Regardless, though, of how an individual accesses an EAP, it is important to remember that what ultimately distinguishes an EAP from any other form of mental health counselling, coaching or private counselling is the emphasis an EAP retains on employee work performance as a central guiding theme.

EAP quality and standards EAP providers vary in the standards they operate. Some may use programmes such as Investors in People while others may operate ISO standards or another available standard of accreditation. The UK EAPA has, for example, published a set of standards for its members. These outline the minimum level of operation purchasers can be assured of, as well as a set of ethical standards.

Such standards schemes are established to provide buyers with the assurance and confidence that their supplier is established to provide a reliable, safe and high quality service for employees when they need it most.

In addition to organisational accreditation, individual professionals within the EAP (such as counsellors or therapists) will have and will adhere to their own professional standards and ethics, such as the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy.

Developments in EAP provision Current service provision among EAP providers is the most flexible ever provided by the EAP market. EAP providers are increasingly able to tailor services to meet market needs and offer new products and solutions that can draw on the economies of scale of operating 24-hour helpline and counselling services. Before this, standard 'off the shelf ' services were available to organisations with little variation compared with the wide range of options and depth of service that is available today.

Alongside the increasing flexibility of EAP schemes, advances in technology are also changing the way EAPs operate and meet the needs of organisations and employees. New services, such as Skype, email and web conferencing are pushing the boundaries of counselling and a growing number of providers have launched iPhone 'apps' to enable employees to access EAP websites for information, fact sheets and advice. A growing number of interventions, such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, are also being undertaken via online technology.

These technological developments, alongside employers' acceptance that they need to continue investing in the health and wellbeing of employees, signals that EAPs will continue to be an effective strategic solution for employers. They look set to continue supporting employees and offering a platform through which to address personal and professional issues before they impact negatively on an organisation's productivity and performance.

David Smith is chair of the UK Employee Assistance Professionals Association.
All being well
All being well
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UK Employee Assistance Professionals Association

PO Box 7966

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