Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Hospitality venues can introduce simpler all-year-round cleaning that delivers improved appearance with reduced risk of infections by adopting the new dual-action Oxivir Plus from Diversey Care.
This powerful and fast-acting cleaner-disinfectant provides impressive cleaning performance while preventing and removing a wide range of infections and micro-organisms that represent a serious risk to a hospitality business at any time of the year. Its formulation, which includes the patented Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide (AHP) from Virox Technologies, and the way it works make it simple to use and safe for regular cleaning in busy and confined areas.
The product is fully compliant with the European Biocidal Product Directive (BPD) and has passed numerous standard microbiological tests which show that it prevents and removes a wide range of infections and micro-organisms. The absence of fragrances and dyes makes Oxivir Plus safe for most washable surfaces.
Weston Favell Centre
01604 405311