Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
A recent study published by Norway's University of Bergen has found that regular exposure to cleaning products significantly affects lung function. The study of 6,000 people is the first long-term research into the effects of cleaning chemical use.
The authors suggest the chemicals in cleaning products irritate the mucous membranes that line the airways of the lungs, causing long-term damage. The effects were also found to be more severe among women than men.
In light of the research, Roberts Scott says the cleaning industry needs to think seriously about sustainable alternatives that are less harmful to the health of end users and the wider environment.
The company's Toucan Eco system uses electrochemical activation (ECA) technology, which is said to be a money-saving and environmentally-friendly disinfectant and cleaning alternative to synthetic chemicals.
It has only two components – water (straight from the tap) and table salt (sodium chloride), which is dissolved in the water. The components are activated using a form of electrolysis whereby a small electrical current is applied to the solution using a specialised electrolysis cell. This produces hypochlorous acid, which is a powerful and safe disinfectant, and sodium hypochlorite solution, an effective cleaning agent. Together, they create a powerful, naturally-occurring disinfectant, cleaner and sanitiser that’s safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic, environmentally friendly and low cost.
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