Kelly Rose

App addresses security lapses

A new smartphone application enables facilities and site managers to protect lone workers and prevent lapses in security - such as guards failing to check designated areas or equipment during a tour of a site.

The app also alerts a supervisor if a guard faces a security threat or is injured. It has a ‘guard tour’ program with pre-set activity logs that users must complete as they visit designated locations and undertake tasks.

Staff visit fixed points on their rounds where they use a smartphone and the Lodg:IC app to scan a QR bar code printed on a plaque - which can also be attached to equipment such as safety apparatus or fire extinguishers for checking.

At the control centre, a duty manager remotely monitors all apps in use 24-7 and is alerted if a tour or task is not completed within set times. An automatic alert prompts the centre to phone the guard immediately - or if the app’s ‘man down’ warning is activated, when location details are transmitted, using the smartphone’s GPS system.

020 8446
lodgic app
lodgic app
Company Info

Lodge Service International Ltd

Brook Point
1412 High Road
N20 9BH

44 20 8446 6601

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