Kelly Rose

Are your first aid kits up to date?

Many EU states have a national standard for workplace first aid kits, until recently, the UK did not.

The British Health Trades Association (BHTA) guidelines, established in 1997 were in need of revision because training protocols have changed, there are heightened concerns with infection control, and new medical devices are now available at affordable prices. The new BS8599-1 Complaint First Aid Kits have been designed to be more user friendly, making the contents instantly visible and more secure, this in turn has helped to improve and simplify selection for employers and help them to meet their legal and moral obligations. 

What the law says 
The Health and Safety (First Aid) regulations 1981 states; "An employer shall provide or ensure that there are provided such equipment and facilities as are adequate and appropriate in the circumstances for enabling first aid to be rendered to his employees if they are injured or become ill at work”.  The new British Standard Kits are now the only safe and clear way for an employer to meet their obligations. In addition to the existing HSE first aid kits, the new British Standard kit has the following as standard making it the one stop point for all emergency requirements:
  • Adhesive Tape
  • Finger Dressings
  • Resuscitation Face Shield
  • Foil Blanket
  • Burns Dressing
  • Shears
  • Conforming bandage

0191 4611 788
2015 first aid kit
2015 first aid kit
Company Info

Premier Healthcare & Hygiene Ltd

5 Lloyd Court
St Omers Road
NE11 9EP

0191 4611 788

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