Blackburn-based Assist FM has won
the contact to provide asbestos survey
and management for up to 1,800
homes on Merseyside. HSE figures
show Merseyside to be a relative
hotspot for asbestos, which was
extensively used
Blackburn-based Assist FM has won
the contact to provide asbestos survey
and management for up to 1,800
homes on Merseyside. HSE figures
show Merseyside to be a relative
hotspot for asbestos, which was
extensively used as a building material
from the 1950s until the mid-1980s.
Pierhead Housing is the first on
Merseyside to make use of Assist's web
based asbestos management system.
The portal provides a web-based
interface, accessible at any time via an
internet connection. Keeping an easily
updatable record of the location and
condition of asbestos, the portal
provides reporting with a mixture of
interactive DWG drawings and
photography to provide a future-proof
solution for risk assessment to meet
the latest legislation.