Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Quirepace have designed and installed six central vacuum cleaning and bulk removal systems for one of the largest biomass projects in a UK power station conversion.
The systems were designed to cover the whole of the project's mechanical handling, storage and out-loading system.
Each system is sized for two operators using 76 mm bore hoses whilst carrying out bulk removal duties, or, four operators using 51 mm hoses for general heavy duty cleaning.
There are hose connection points within the fixed pipe work attached to a filter separator where the product is separated from the conveying air with the air passing on to the 45 kW exhauster package.
The filter separator is provided with an explosion rupture panel and the rotary valve provides a flame path barrier. In total the systems comprise of 170 hose connection points over 2.9 kilometres of pipe work.
Quirepace House
6 Pennant Park
PO16 8XU
023 9260 3700