Kelly Rose

Book your knife safety risk assessment

IN THE world of knife safety, MARTOR knows nothing is as effective as a site visit, and as such offers them for free because they know how many accidents and injuries they can prevent.

The company says, "Seeing how a business works close-up means we can give an objective, 360 perspectives on all aspects of safety: from the wider, big picture perspective on current practices, to recommending specific, highly specialised products to increase efficiency and minimise risks."

Understandably, when you’re running a business day-to-day, taking that step back isn’t easy for a number of reasons:

1. It’s hard to see the bigger picture when you’re in the picture. Of ten, customers will say “We get a few minor nicks and scratches, nothing serious”. But minor accidents are often a sign that either the wrong knives are being used; or the blades are the wrong length; or there’s another way to do the job. Easily fixed problems, but not without seeing what’s really going on

2. Same old ways aren’t questioned. “I’ve always used this knif e: nothing’s happened yet”. With a fresh, expert lens, we can open everyone’s eyes to new and better solutions. And avoid accidents just waiting to happen.

3. New knife news isn’t exciting. We get that. Not many people keep up with the latest innovations in H&S. But because we live and breathe it, we can spot an outdated (even if trusty) product a mile off. And suggest anewer model that’ll do the job better.

Call MARTOR now for a free Risk Assessment. Book your FREE on-site knife risk assessment today.

Email or call 01924 281333

Book your knife safety risk assessment
Book your knife safety risk assessment
Company Info

Martor UK Ltd

Unit 2 Monaco Works
Station Road Kings Langley

01924 281333

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