According to research unveiled by SCA, the specialist hygiene and tissue paper, 89% of the UK have started washing their hands more often since the outbreak of swine flu.
The SCA 2010 'Hygiene Matters' report shows that since 2009, 89% of the UK have started washing their hands more frequently.It also seems that since the swine
flu outbreak, the nation's
understanding and awareness of
hygiene has improved too. Over half
(55%) of the UK state that they are
now more aware of other people's
hygiene, and a similar amount
(52%) feel that people should take
greater responsibility of health and
hygiene where they live to improve
local standards. This is in sharp
comparison to results from SCA
research conducted in 2008 when
over a third (34.3%) of the nation
were not washing their hands
regularly enough and less than half
(44.4%) were washing their hands
during key 'at-risk' situations like
after sneezing or blowing their noses.