Kelly Rose

Broader leak detection range

Designed with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) intelligence and real-time broadband acoustic sound processing technology, the Gassonic Observer-i Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detector provides highly reliable ultrasonic gas leak detection with its impressive suppression of false alarms.

With the incorporation of ANN technology, the Gassonic Observer-i Detector makes it possible to fully analyse the sound spectrum down to 12 kHz. The ANN algorithm has been "trained" to automatically distinguish between unwanted acoustic background noise and dangerous gas leaks. This advanced design provides a broader leak detection range, which also increases sensitivity to smaller gas leaks without interference from unwanted background noise.

ANN technology enables the Gassonic Observer-i Detector to be installed without time consuming "training" sequences, and provides detection distance up to 28 metres. 

It also ensures that the Gassonic Observer-i Detector has the same gas leak detection coverage in high and low noise areas. Because it is self-adaptive, the detector requires no alarm set points to be configured, nor do alarm set points need to be adjusted if background ultrasound changes over time. The Gassonic Observer-i Detector features the patented Senssonic self-test function.  

+1-949 581
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26776 Simpatica Circle
Lake Forest CA 92630
United States

+1-949 581 4464

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