Kelly Rose

Bursting discs benefits

Provider of fire, explosion and pressure relief solutions Fike is alerting companies to the substantial benefits gained from complementing Pressure Relief Valves (PRV) with bursting (rupture) discs to further guard and enhance pressure relief systems in the process industries.

These benefits include leak tight fugitive emission controls, an enhanced performance of safety systems, easier PRV inspection procedures and the significant cost savings that can be gained from installation.

In series use the valve can be protected from a potentially corrosive or polymerising media which could attack the valve and prevent it from operating; it also means that valves can be manufactured from less exotic materials if kept from day-to-day contact with such media.  

In parallel use, the bursting disc acts as a back-up, providing an additional relief path where over pressurisation occurs

valveguard - prv srv with bursting disc
valveguard - prv srv with bursting disc
Company Info

Fike United Kingdom

35 Earl Street
ME14 1PF

01622 677081

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