Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Collinson Group has launched 360 Assistance, an assistance solution to help HR managers proactively manage their duty of care towards their employees who undertake international business travel.
360 Assistance is a fully integrated medical and security advice and emergency response service for corporates employing frequent business travellers, short-term assignees or expatriate workers. It has been designed to help users in any situation, in any time zone around the world through Collinson Group’s extensive global network.
Central to the offering is a Chip & PIN enabled membership card which can be remote-loaded with emergency cash or with day-to-day travel expenses to provide peace of mind for staff who may need funds urgently. It is also a cost-effective alternative to corporate credit cards as the employer controls the allocation of funds and all costs can be tracked for the purpose of expense management.
360 Assistance cardholders have direct access to a range of services addressing medical and security risks including globally indemnified evacuation, repatriation and emergency response, alongside additional travel enhancement services and benefits.
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