Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
What’s it like to work in the cold with freezing hands? Everything you do is that bit harder and most of all it can be extremely dangerous.
With cold hands and fingers, you are more likely to fumble with numb fingers, which is not only dangerous to yourself but also to others. It is absolutely imperative that you protect yourself against the cold conditions when working outside, which is why TraffiGlove are focused on keeping you prepared and safe during the cold months in the UK, by reducing exposure to the elements.
The TraffiGlove range of Thermic gloves protect wearers from the harsh winter bite and are also water resistant. Whilst offering impressive dexterity for use in wet and dry conditions, the range protects workers from cold and wet hands, to reduce the risk of being susceptible to HAVS (Hand-arm vibration syndrome), which occurs when circulation is reduced while operating power tools.
TraffiGlove's TG105 TraffiTherm glove liner can be worn inside any of its products, in order to provide that extra warmth required.
Suite 4
Venture Park
Selborne Road
GU34 3HL
01344 309396