Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Langham Brewery is a successful independent steam-powered microbrewery situated between the West Sussex towns of Midhurst and Petworth.
Lesley Foulkes and James Berrow, Langham Brewery’s partners, attribute much of the brewery’s success in producing quality and consistent beer to maintaining high sanitation processes and keeping the busy brewery operations spic and span. A core part of these processes is achieved utilising the SystemSURE Plus products from Hygiena International for the quick and accurate ATP testing of surface areas.
ATP testing is a simple and affordable test method which verifies cleaning effectiveness in seconds. The science is based on the detection of organic residues on surfaces and in water samples using a bioluminescent reaction. Pen-shaped test devices contain a modified firefly enzyme that reacts with organic material to produce light, which is then measured in a handheld meter (called a luminometer). The luminometer converts the light output into an RLU number (Relative Light Unit): the lower that number, the cleaner the surface (or less contamination in the water sample if a CIP system is being tested).
The brewery relies on quick turnaround. As soon as a tank is emptied it is immediately deep cleaned ready for the next beer. The brewing team all are trained how to use the ATP meter to instantly validate their cleaning procedure. The ATP meter indicates what is clean and what is not clean. If occasionally a higher ATP level is indicated then another caustic cleaning cycle is undertaken, until the score gives confidence that the vessel is clean enough to ensure the quality and consistency of the next brew.
Unit 1
Wenta Business Centre
Colne Way
WD24 7ND
01923 818821