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Choosing a first aid kit

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) states that the contents of your first aid kit 'depends on what you assess your needs to be'. To help you decide which kit is most appropriate for your workplace St John Ambulance has a wide selection available from our website that comply with the new British Standard (BS-8599-1:2011).

The BHTA (British Healthcare Trade Association) last updated the guidance to workplace first aid kits 14 years ago. The new standard makes workplace first aid kits more appropriate for current use and reflects training and product developments in first aid.

Improvements with the new British Standard workplace kits include an increase in first aid consumables, such as plasters and wipes, to better meet the demand of the modern workplace multiple pairs of disposable gloves for safe and hygienic provision of first aid burns gel dressings, which are used significantly in first aid to reduce the harm caused by burns and aid the healing process items such as triangular bandages, which are no longer part of recommended first aid protocols, have been removed.

The new British Standard was introduced in June this year with a period of grace between the existing standard and the new one. The new kits that comply with BS-8599-1:2011 will become the official standard first aid kit from the start of 2012.

If you're not sure what British Standard kit is right for your workplace, use our new Requirements Calculator to find out or download our workplace kit guide.

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St John Ambulance Supplies

McBeath House
310 Goswell Road

0207 278 2779

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