Safer Life has become a distributor of a
range of eyewear from Pyramex which
is said to combine the highest safety
standards with style and comfort.
The extensive Pyramex range
includes over 20 product styles, 17
prodSafer Life has become a distributor of a
range of eyewear from Pyramex which
is said to combine the highest safety
standards with style and comfort.
The extensive Pyramex range
includes over 20 product styles, 17
product features, 22 lens options with
more being developed so there is a
spectacle suitable for almost every
To prevent fogging or misting up.
Pyramex has developed H2X , an antifog
technology that blocks out fog,
mist, sweat, and steam. Lenses are
impregnated with H2X remains
optically clear in any weather
elements. This special impregnation is
bonded to the lenses and is also antiscratch
and will continue to be
effective even after repeated cleaning.
All of Pyramexes's eye wear is CN
EN166 certified and meets the USA
and Canadian standards.