easi-edge provides quality edge
protection solutions that are suitable
for a range of builds, from steel and
structural timber frames to concrete
The easi-edge product portfolio
includes a comprehensive range easi-edge provides quality edge
protection solutions that are suitable
for a range of builds, from steel and
structural timber frames to concrete
The easi-edge product portfolio
includes a comprehensive range of
safety solutions for use on
construction projects. The range
encompasses stair barriers, loading
bay barriers, a solution for the
effective loading and unloading of
flat bed trailers, as well as a lift shaft
gate to protect voids and prevent
falls down lift shafts.
All the safety solutions are said to
be robust, lightweight, and offer
protection from falls at all times.
Products are tested to standard BS
EN 13374 and quality assured to ISO
9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.