Kelly Rose

Combat COVID-19 with PureAir

CREATE A safer workspace with the PureAir R150 professional air cleaner.

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It is now widely accepted that COVID-19 is transmitted in enclosed indoor spaces where we Brits spend a staggering 90% of our time. Businesses must therefore start seriously considering more effective ways to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) to provide a clean, safe working environment and peace of mind for both staff and customers. 

Safe air should be an integral part of our coronavirus precautionary strategy as viruses have been proven to attach themselves to airborne pollutants which leads to them remaining suspended in breathable air for up to 3 hours and able to travel further distances. 

In a recent COVID-19 guidance document by REHVA (the Representatives of European Heating and Ventilation Associations) they highlighted that, “analyses of superspreading events have shown that closed environments with minimal ventilation have strongly contributed to a characteristically high number of secondary infections of coronavirus.” In addition is has been found that “… a long-range airborne transmission mechanism implies that keeping a 1-2 m distance from an infected person isn’t enough, and that concentration control with ventilation is needed for effective removal of particles in indoor spaces.1

With the PureAir R150 from Alert Technology, the company says that 99.995% of harmful airborne particles are eliminated. PureAir’s multi-stage sanitising process uses a superior industrial HEPA-14 filter (10x better than HEPA 13), medically proven UV-C light sterilization to kill the DNA and RNA of viruses and a greater air flow than other air cleaners on the market to effectively changes the air in a room of 150m3 up to 7 times per hour - providing your staff and customers clean, safe, virus-free air. 

As the UK approaches 790,000 cases and 50,000 COVID-19 attributed deaths, a more proactive approach to reducing transmission is needed to help keep our economy on track as has been done in Germany where the widespread deployment of air cleaners in businesses is common. As winter sets in people will be spending even more time indoors, the German government is encouraging schools and businesses to ventilate rooms and interrupt the dispersal of any potentially harmful particles by purifying the air by using CO2 monitors, upgrading existing air conditioning units, and air purifiers where they have the strength to neutralise particles.2 The German government are going as far as to offer public businesses up to €2,000 (£1,813) to help modernise their current systems to fight off the virus. 

In the UK, MP for Central Ayrshire, Dr Phillipa Whitford, called upon Health Secretary Matt Hancock and The Chancellor to cut VAT and make air cleaners and ventilation tax deductible in a bid to make them more affordable and thereby help reduce the need for businesses to have to keep closing their doors when COVID-19 cases surge in regional areas. As it appears that COVID-19 will be with us for some time, we must find other proactive ways to combat this airborne virus so that we can keep our businesses open and our economy running. 

For more info on PureAir R150, please contact: - Loretta King, COO, Alert Technology Ltd | Email: | Tel: 01803 546262

1 REHVA COVID-19 guidance document, August 3, 2020 pg 5


Combat Covid-19 with Pure Air
Combat Covid-19 with Pure Air
Company Info

Alert Technology Ltd

Loribon House
Aspen Way
Yalberton Industrial Estate

01803 540154

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