Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
In July 2016 the UK government introduced the Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work (CEMFAW) Regulations 2016.
These regulations set out the requirement for employers to assess the levels of EMF in the workplace and to assess the risks associated with EMFs. In particular identifying workers at particular risk such as “…expectant mothers and employees with active or passive implanted or body worn medical devices,…”.
EMFs are a fact of life in the modern world. Machinery, industrial plant, production equipment and communications equipment all produce EMFs and whilst the majority of equipment is perfectly safe, some equipment, plus the combined effect of multiple sources may give rise to elevated levels.
The regulations require you to complete a risk assessment of EMFs within your premises and the only way to be 100% sure of the levels in and around your premises is to conduct a measurement survey with EMF measuring equipment such as the Wavecontrol SMP2 Field Strength Meter. With interchangeable probes this is the only handheld meter that is capable of measuring both RF electrical fields, plus low frequency electrical and magnetic fields using the same handheld meter.
For production & laboratory environments where real time 24/7/365 monitoring is required, the Wavecontrol MonitEM provides organisations with the capability of long term measurement and logging of EMF levels. Results are available from the Wavecontrol webserver and users can download all measurement data. This is said to be an ideal system where users need to demonstrate real-time compliance. The Wavecontrol MonitEM is also available with an audio-visual alarm that activates should pre-determined levels be exceeded.
Aspen Electronics also offers the Wavecontrol SMP2 for hire as a measurement kit. Each kit includes the SMP2 Handheld EMF meter, plus Low Frequency electrical / magnetic probe, plus an 18GHz RF electrical probe. This kit is suitable if you need to perform an audit of your premises as these two probes covers the vast majority of EMF sources typically found.
Alternatively, Aspen is able to conduct an EMF audit of your facility. The company will visit your facility and having reviewed potential sources of EMF, make the necessary measurements allowing you to demonstrate compliance with the regulations. A full report is provided following the visit.
Stand M2251-3 Kildare Close
020 8868 1311