Kelly Rose

Course covers EMF regulations

Link Microtek, a leading UK supplier of EMF (electromagnetic field) safety equipment, has set up a new training course covering the requirements of the Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work (CEMFAW) Regulations 2016, which came into force on 1st July as the transposition of EU Directive 2013/35/EU into UK law.

Aimed at anyone who has to manage EMF safety in the workplace, the one-day course can be held in-house at Link Microtek, at customers’ premises or at any other location equipped with presentation aids. 

Topics include basic principles of electromagnetic energy, the effects of EMFs on the human body, the main provisions of the CEMFAW Regulations, EMF risk assessments, workers at particular risk (e.g. those with active implanted medical devices), exposure limit values and action levels, provisions aimed at avoiding or reducing risks, and real-world case studies.

Link Microtek is also offering a half-day EMF safety awareness course for workers in the telecommunications, broadcast, defence, medical, scientific and industrial sectors. A third course, on EMF safety measurements, is available for those who need to perform measurement-based EMF risk assessments. 

The next two courses at Link Microtek will be on 19th October (EMF Directive/CEMFAW Regulations) and 29th November (EMF safety measurements).

Company Info

Link Microtek Limited

High Point
Church Street
RG21 7QN

01256 355771

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