Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
InstructUK Resources has developed an online tool that enables employers to complete their risk assessment of first aid needs online, in a number of simple steps.
RAOFAN has been designed for ease of use, cutting through the jargon of compliance, enabling employers to ascertain their First Aid Needs quickly and easily and without the need for potentially expensive health and safety consultation fees.
The system prompts the business owner to think about every aspect of their company, walking them through each section of the L74 guidance, with simple question and answer sections, allowing RAOFAN to calculate what provision the business will need. Upon completion, the system will give access to purchase first aid supplies and search for training in order for the company to become compliant.
A certificate of compliance along with a detailed report is produced for all successful assessments.Resources House 10 Central Treviscoe
10 Central Treviscoe
St. Austell
PL26 7QP
0844 3320 999