Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Analytical Technology’s (ATi) Intrinsically Safe (IS) F12 gas detector is said to be the only product available that automatically checks itself daily with gas, allowing for safer and more confident monitoring.
This monitor is designed to detect and monitor potentially hazardous toxic gas leaks, to ensure the safest working environment for plant operators. The F12 provides an early warning alarm if gas escapes, allowing for timely remedial or protective actions to be undertaken. In addition to improving safety, it is claimed that companies will also save money, with no gas to buy or testers to pay.
Conventional gas detection systems require costly manual ‘bump tests’ and annual service contracts, to ensure health and safety compliance. According to research carried out on ATi’s behalf, these manual bump tests are only carried out on average 1.5 times a year. In contrast, the F12iS checks itself daily. The new generation of F12iS gas detector systems is available from ATi with an function that automatically checks if it is functioning correctly by exposing the sensor to a small amount of gas at specific intervals. ATi’s F12 system is the only detector on the market that provides daily automatic self-tests, which is said to exceed any current and potential health and safety regulations.
Existing legislation is under review. There is no statement on how often a gas detector should be tested. "In line with manufacturers guidance" is too open ended, according to ATi, which says "it is widely accepted that gas monitors need to be tested more regularly than this". ATi’s F12 will be in excess of any new legislation that is passed, which the company says will make it the safest monitor on the market.
In addition, the F12 also employs SMART sensor technology, meaning customers can take advantage of ATi’s ‘Calibration Sensor Exchange Programme’. Through this programme, customers can arrange for sensors to be returned to ATi for re-calibration and certification, removing the need for expensive service engineer call-outs.
Technology House
Gatehead Business Park
01457 832800