Kelly Rose

Detects dust

A global fire, explosion and pressure relief solutions company has introduced a product which it says will assist in the prevention of dust explosions and eliminate the risk of potentially devastating disasters occurring in the workplace.

Fike UK has enhanced its range of high quality, safety driven products with the introduction of the Fike Dust Detection System (FDDS) which functions by signalling the presence of unusually high airborne dust particles. 
The processor based device can identify levels of dust that can cause explosive hazards while validating the protection of non-zoned areas. The advanced technology is installed in ducts and will alert a business to any early warning signs of potential contamination caused by nuisance dusts. 

The system works by detecting the normal amount of dust particles passing by with an easy ‘traffic-light’ notification system indicating the levels of dust concentration within the duct.
The use of Inductive Electrification technology is said to set the product ahead of other optical or tribo-electric devices by determining the background acceptable level of dust during normal process operation and triggering alarms at different pre-set dust concentration levels when these are attained. This is coupled with running advanced filtering algorithms that can detect the smallest of dust concentration variations and provide the most accurate dust measurement signalling.

Company Info

Fike United Kingdom

35 Earl Street
ME14 1PF

01622 677081

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