Kelly Rose

'Does anyone know I am here?'

According to Mike Elkerton CEO of Access & Evac-U-8, this is the single biggest quote in consultations with disabled people when asked about evacuation plans in buildings they are visiting.

Emergency evacuation relies on two things; who needs evacuating and how they are evacuated.

Access & Evac-U-8 has created a smart phone ‘App’ (DirectMii/ Evacu8Me) that is simple to use and is claimed to revolutionise internal spacial orienteering and evacuations plans for disabled and non disabled people.

Many people view their phone as a communication security blanket, so it was natural to have internal floor plans, pictorial routes and evacuation instruction on the phone for all to access.
077 088 488
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Company Info

Access And Evacu8 Ltd

27 Price Street Business Centre
Price St
CH41 4JQ

077 088 488 38

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