Kelly Rose

Domino theory updated

Managing director of British Safety Services (BSS), Pat McLoughlin, has added a 6th domino to the classic 5 Domino Theory by unveiling BSS' new idea on accident and incident causation. The traditional 5 worked on the Managing director of British Safety Services (BSS), Pat McLoughlin, has added a 6th domino to the classic 5 Domino Theory by unveiling BSS' new idea on accident and incident causation.

The traditional 5 worked on the basis that, if a domino falls, it will be a matter of time before it will knock down the other next to it.

BSS thinks the theory should be updated, and therefore has developed this process further, showing that there are 6 stages of the accident causation process, placing 'External Factors' at the very beginning. External pressures provide an impact on businesses and should be considered from a health and safety perspective. Issues such as international recession, low prices and high competition, all need to be assessed in developing and implementin
Domino theory updated
Domino theory updated
Company Info

British Safety Services (UK)

Aqueous 3
Aston Cross Business Park
B6 5RQ

0121 333 7232

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