Kelly Rose

Don't be left in the dark

Wolf Safety has introduced a new LED torch along with a retrofit LED unit for existing customers to upgrade their TS-24/TR-24 and TS/TR-24+ ATEX Safety Torches. The new TS-30+/TR-30+ Safety Torches incorporates a 'fiWolf Safety has introduced a new LED torch along with a retrofit LED unit for existing customers to upgrade their TS-24/TR-24 and TS/TR-24+ ATEX Safety Torches.

The new TS-30+/TR-30+ Safety Torches incorporates a 'fitted for life' LED light source making bulb changing unnecessary. Four times the lumens output, from 15 lumens to approximately 70 lumens, and a duration increase from ten to twenty seven hours from the 2 x D cell battery system mean this upgrade delivers a notable increase in performance.

The TP-300 LED module incorporates a battery life management system indicating the optimum time to change the batteries, so the user is not left in the dark.
Don't be left in the dark
Don't be left in the dark
Company Info

Wolf Safety Lamp Company Ltd

Saxon Road Works
S8 0YA

0114 255 1051

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