DrivingMonitor has developed a set of
interactive eLearning modules to help
drivers develop the necessary skills to
improve their driving, reduce fuel costs
and drive safely.
The modules can be accessed
anywhere with DrivingMonitor has developed a set of
interactive eLearning modules to help
drivers develop the necessary skills to
improve their driving, reduce fuel costs
and drive safely.
The modules can be accessed
anywhere with a web connection and
take 10 minutes per module to complete.
Training & assessment scenarios include
still photographs, moving video, drag-ndrop,
point-n-click scenes with sound
effects and instant feedback is given on
screen. All the modules are taken from
an in-car perspective, with inter-
changeable dashboards depending on
what vehicle type the driver uses (car,
van, LGV, Fork Lift etc).
Training can be taken any number
of times to ensure understanding and
drivers can print off a training
certificate once the module is
successfully completed. If interrupted
the training session can be revisited and
will start at the point it was last left by
the driver.
Hall 1 Stand K32