Kelly Rose

Driving Safely Into the Year 2020 - Vehicle & Transport Safety at Work

Every year, a significant number of people are killed or seriously injured by accidents involving vehicles in the workplace. Very often, customers and staff are vulnerable to being struck by a delivery vehicle or forklift truck. They can also be hit by something falling from a vehicle, typically during loading and unloading.

At Southalls, we have spent over a decade working with hundreds of clients across the UK, advising on-site safety and writing risk assessments to cover critical transport hazards.

Join our complimentary webinar to find out more about:

  • Mapping out traffic flow.
  • Segregating vehicles and pedestrians.
  • How to successfully avoid creating blind spots.
  • Using Barriers, Signage and other traffic control methods.
  • Controlling loading and unloading areas.
  • Managing Goods-In Drivers and Visitors.
  • Newly available technology for controlling workplace transport.


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Cranmore Place
Cranmore Drive
B90 4RZ

0345 257 4015

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