Kelly Rose

Embedded RFID

Manufacturer of chain components and systems, RUD Chains has been shortlisted for the British Construction Industry Product Innovation Award 2012 with its latest RFID Radio Frequency Identification Technology. RUD is on

Manufacturer of chain components and systems, RUD Chains has been shortlisted for the British Construction Industry Product Innovation Award 2012 with its latest RFID Radio Frequency Identification Technology. RUD is one the first manufacturers to offer the RFID chip already embedded in an application.

The RFID technology enables equipment to be tracked, identified, inspected and traced. The components are embedded with an RFID chip and given a unique identification number which is then tracked through a RUD-ID-Easy- Check reader. The reader captures the unique identification number and transfers it to the RUD-ID-Net application so documentation and administration can be easily managed on a PC.
Embedded RFID
Embedded RFID
Company Info

Rud Chains Limited

John Wilson Business Park
Units 10 -14
Thanet Way

01227 276611

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