Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Air pollution control and ventilation specialist FEG provides flue gas emission analysis to assist companies comply with the UK Environment Agency's Monitoring Certification Scheme – MCERTS.
Under strict European and UK laws any UK company or organisation that has industrial chimneys, stacks, flues and exhausts from combustion plant must now monitor emissions to air. This is to help protect the environment and human health.
FEG will carry out flue gas analysis and sampling on flue systems, flue gas purification systems, industrial burners, stationary industrial engines, gas turbines and other potential sources of hazardous emissions. MCERTS makes sure that information on possible pollution released from flue stacks is reliable. It also helps improve health and safety for plant operators, worker comfort and the environment. Monitoring is carried out in accordance with monitoring methods selected from Environment Agency Technical Guidance Note: M2.
During the testing process FEG will also identify cost effective energy efficiency recommendations for areas of significant energy consumption and can carry out energy improvement projects. Whether it is flue gas analysis or MCERTS, FEG have proved that a well designed and maintained installation can offer real energy saving solutions opportunities.
The Axis Building
Team Valley
NE11 0NQ
0191 417 1479