Kelly Rose

Facilities services focus

Contract cleaning company Brayborne Cleaning Services is expanding its business into facilities services to meet the demand from customers for a broader range of services from one trusted source.

Established nearly 30 years ago, Brayborne has over 1,000 employed staff operating on cleaning contracts across southern England in offices, shopping centres and schools. The company is re-branding to Brayborne Facilities Services to reflect the new focus of the business.

MD Lorraine Gibson said: "Over the years our customers have valued our quality cleaning service and have asked us to take on broader services, trusting us to deliver those to the same high standards. This has reached a point where we felt that we should now formally announce our expansion into Facilities Services."

The services available, including core cleaning, are catering, security, general maintenance, plumbing, electrical, facilities labour support such as post-room and reception, office moves, waste and recycling, shredding, pest control, landscape and grounds maintenance and internal plants.

lorraine gibson
lorraine gibson
Company Info

Brayborne Cleaning Services Ltd

20 The Metro Centre
Toutley Road
RG41 1QW

01189 789428

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