Approved by the Health and Safety
Executive (GB and NI) for training
in first aid for the purposes of the
Health and Safety (First Aid)
Regulations 1981 and 1982,
Emergency First Response offers
First Aid at Work, Emerg
Approved by the Health and Safety
Executive (GB and NI) for training
in first aid for the purposes of the
Health and Safety (First Aid)
Regulations 1981 and 1982,
Emergency First Response offers
First Aid at Work, Emergency First
Aid at Work,Manual Handling and
bespoke first aid training
programmes. .Whether the
requirement is for an in-house first
aid training solution package, a one
off first aid course, refresher
training, or a train the trainer
programme for your workforce,
Emergency First Response offers a
The Emergency First Response
system of first aid training is simple,
objective driven and has proven
educational validity. Hall 2, Q62