Kelly Rose

Flexible cable protectors

When Liverpool Produce terminal needed to resolve issues involving risks arising from unprotected cables on the production floor, it turned to Vulcascot for a solution. The modern temperature and atmosphere controlledWhen Liverpool Produce terminal needed to resolve issues involving risks arising from unprotected cables on the production floor, it turned to Vulcascot for a solution.

The modern temperature and atmosphere controlled processing plant processes fresh produce 24 hours a day, supplying the central depots of major supermarkets in the north of England.

When the risk of an accident involving the loose cables that previously criss-crossed the processing floor was highlighted, the company selected one of Vulcascot's industrial range of flexible cable protectors, which was delivered the next day.

Vulcascot manufactures what is reported to be the largest range of flexible floor laid cable protectors, catering for cables and hoses up to 60mm in diameter. The range is fire retardant and does not contain any dangerous halogens.
Flexible cable protectors
Flexible cable protectors
Company Info

Vulcascot Cable Protectors Ltd

Unit 12 Norman-D-Gate
Bedford Road

0800 0352842

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