Kelly Rose

Flow Meters & controllers for corrosive applications

To overcome the challenges of process control in aggressive environments, Alicat Scientific has developed the MS and MCS series Mass Flow Meters and Controllers.

To overcome the challenges of process control in aggressive environments, Alicat Scientific has developed the MS and MCS series Mass Flow Meters and Controllers.

The all 316L stainless steel construction and FFKM elastomeric materials of the MS and MCS series provide metering and control options for the more common corrosive gases and gas mixes used in caustic process environments.

The units are calibrated for thirty inert gases and a number of corrosive gases that would damage standard equipment, including ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, and sulphur dioxide.

The MS series mass flow meters quickly and accurately measure pressure, temperature and volumetric flow in addition to mass flow. Alicat's patented laminar flow differential pressure technology is claimed to deliver highly accurate results with a much faster response time than that of competing technologies.
Flow Meters & controllers for corrosive applications
Flow Meters & controllers for corrosive applications
Company Info

Alicat Scientific

7641 N. Business Park Drive
AZ 85743
United States

+1-520 290 6060

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