The HSE has urged health and safety
practitioners to maintain a focus on
health and safety within the
The IPA (2008) suggests that only
12% of UK employees are highly
engaged in their jobs. The most
succesThe HSE has urged health and safety
practitioners to maintain a focus on
health and safety within the
The IPA (2008) suggests that only
12% of UK employees are highly
engaged in their jobs. The most
successful organisations are those that
have recognised that good health and
well-being are affected by all aspects of
the employee experience, and then
address it in different ways and embed
it in the culture of the organisation.
As a Health & Safety Recruitment
Consultancy, Allen & York provides
a selection of health & safety
candidates across; quality,
environmental health & safety, risk
and occupational hygiene. Allen &
York also provide candidates for roles
for all levels including health & safety
managers, safety officers, safety
engineers, risk managers & advisors
and health & safety consultants.