Speedy takes every step to ensure all its vehicles operate efficiently and are regularly serviced and maintained and has very strict standards in place to ensure that Fleet Safety is at the fore.
In August 2014 Speedy became the first tool and equipment hire company in the UK to have its entire national depot portfolio accredited ‘silver’ under the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS).
FORS represents a quality and performance benchmark and recognises fleet operations that comply with the requirements of many construction sites throughout the UK. It rewards businesses committed to becoming safer, greener and more efficient.
Speedy also won the coveted ‘Safe Vehicles Award’ at the Brake Fleet Safety Awards 2014 as well as the ‘Safest Fleet of the Year’ at the Fleet News Awards 2014.
Speedy has its own celebrated internal training academy, which offers over 250 courses for employees and external delegates, nearly 50 of which are driver and vehicle focused. The company has 1,200 commercial vehicles on the road including cars, vans and HGVs ranging from 7.5 tonne to articulated 44 tonne vehicles, and courses covering all aspects of company vehicle driver safety.
Speedy delivers a number of courses to all employees who drive a company vehicle, including a one-day driving course, which comprises classroom and practical assessments and covers general safe and efficient driving, speed awareness, vehicle safety and driving in adverse conditions.
Its Transport Compliance course is mandatory for all new drivers and managers and focuses on completing a correct vehicle check, recording and acting upon defects, safe loading of a vehicle and safe driving.
Exchanging places
Speedy’s HGV drivers have completed the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) SUD (Safe Urban Driver) Scheme. Introduced in Spring 2014, drivers have to complete a cycle course so they can understand what a cyclist sees and goes through when riding around congested areas of a city.
Speedy also supports another London cycle safety initiative called ‘Exchanging Places,’ which involves cyclists swapping places with lorry drivers, so both can get a better understanding of what the driver can and can’t see.
As part of its recent fleet replacement programme (which ensures that all Speedy vans are replaced after three years and trucks between five/seven, dependent on operation), Speedy has also fitted front and rear-facing cameras to a selection of smaller vehicles that operate in London, as this is considered a higher-risk area due to the increased number of cyclists and pedestrians. Speedy is looking to increase this in the future, based on feedback from the current trial.
Green credentials
Carbon emissions from Speedy’s transport fleet contribute to the company’s carbon footprint and every effort continues to be made to drive fuel and carbon efficiencies wherever possible.
Its fleet of 1,200 commercial vehicles offer improved fuel economy through the introduction of speed limiters on all commercial vehicles and a large fleet replacement programme ensures Speedy continues to have a safe and fuel efficient fleet.
Speedy also actively monitors fuel usage on each of its vehicles and managers receive weekly reports showing individual vehicle’s MPG, and actively challenge drivers on ways to reduce this.
Mark Woodworth is Speedy’s logistics project manager.