According to CKL Workwear Distribution one of the most pervasive yet overlooked ailments are sore feet brought about by being “on your feet all day”. Commonly dismissed as trivial, they are most likely symptoms of something far more serious.
CKL Workwear's solution is the JALAS FootStop Service which comprises a computerised foot-scanning service to enable rapid mobile scanning of the feet. This can be performed at a company's own premises where the proper corrective JALAS Neutraliser Orthotic Arch-Supporting Insoles can be provided immediately.
The insoles are said to provide immediate results; when used with appropriate footwear, users apparently report unprecedented levels of comfort, freedom from foot pain, and even drastic reductions in chronic back pain.
Double-density Poron XRD impact-resistant microcellular pads provide impact resistance and shock absorbency.
Contact CKL Workwear Distribution to discuss a trial.0800 788