Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
A new Forecourt Amenity Unit has been designed, developed and produced by Leafield Environmental.
Named Centrum, the 1.4 metre high unit serves to collect waste and dispense gloves and c-fold hand wipes for forecourt customers in a single unit with two side access.
Based on a 500mm x 600mm compact footprint that fits easily on the majority of pump islands, the 28kg unit has a litter capacity of 110 litres. Front door opening (with optional key locking mechanism) makes for easy access when emptying the waste and a pivoting sack retention system makes sack replacement a simple proposition.
The Centrum unit also has an easily changeable, advertising graphics/fuel grades panel. It accepts stability ballast but also has provision for permanent anchor bolt fixing to floors or stanchions.
The rear of the unit has a recess to accommodate sand or water buckets. Provision is also made for the inclusion of an internal fire extinguisher.
Leafield Environmental Limited
Leafield Way
Leafield Industrial Estate
SN13 9UD
01225 816500