Kelly Rose

From Paper Life to Safer Life

After 25 years of successfully trading as Paper Life Ltd the company will from October 1st trade as Safer Life Ltd...

After 25 years of successfully trading as Paper Life the company will from October 1st trade as Safer Life.

Paper Life developed a strong presence in the paper and printing industry through its tenacious attitude towards sourcing of quality testing equipment. Various requests for safety equipment and in particular safety knives began the growing product range of safety style products.

It was not long before Paper life was being asked to source other safety industry style products. Stuart Watson the general manager of Paper Life (now Safer Life) describes what followed. “We used the same parameters to look for these other products as we had done in identifying the MARTOR safety knife range, the criteria for sourcing manufacturers has been upon the quality of their products, the service they were able to offer, and as important their ability to keep up with the changing market through innovation.”
As a result of this research, three further product lines have been added to the growing quality range. Pyramex safety spectacles, Wilkuro Safety Overshoes, and Tilsatec cut resistant gloves.

All in all Safer Life is set on an exciting new direction, and will be exhibiting, for the first time at Interplas in September and at Health & Safety North in Bolton at the beginning of October.

For further information please visit

From Paper Life to Safer Life
From Paper Life to Safer Life
Company Info

Safer Life Ltd

Unit 2 Monaco Works
Station Road

01924 281666

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