Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Signal Group (UK) manufactures instruments for monitoring a large number of gases, but their stand (#60) at AQE 2018 will focus on the latest technologies for the measurement of VOCs.
The new Series IV gas analysers have 3G, 4G, GPRS, Bluetooth and satellite compatibility, and each instrument is built with its own IP address. As a result, users will be provided with simple and secure access to their analysers at any time, from anywhere.
Visitors to the Signal stand will be able to see the company’s Series IV SOLAR single and dual FID fixed gas analysers which are pending new certification for QAL1/MCERTS. In conjunction with the portable 3010 MINIFID PURE heated FID, these instruments offer complete flexibility in VOC monitoring for applications such as solvent emissions/abatement, combustion research, gas purity etc.
Signal’s UK representative Adrian Thiedeman will be on the stand to explain the advantages of the latest instruments and to discuss visitors’ applications.
Standards House 12 Doman Road
GU15 3DF
01276 682841