Kelly Rose

Got worker health in hand?

GOJO Industries has launched a programme and toolkit to help stop germs spreading in the workplace. Comprising a convenient and practical desk-top bottle of its PURELL hygienic hand gel, complete with a DVD of guidancGOJO Industries has launched a programme and toolkit to help stop germs spreading in the workplace.

Comprising a convenient and practical desk-top bottle of its PURELL hygienic hand gel, complete with a DVD of guidance and supporting literature. This shows employers how the Program can be used quickly and easily at a worker's desk without the need for soap or towels.

Portable options, including PURELL bottles on retractable cords that can be clipped onto clothing.

Discussing the campaign, GOJO's Dean Bourke said: "A company's most important asset deserves an investment in their wellness."
Got worker health in hand?
Got worker health in hand?
Company Info

Gojo Industries Europe Ltd

Unit 5 & 6 Stratus Park
Milton Keynes
MK10 0DE

01908 588444

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