Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
University Technical College Reading is provided with cold water from the rising main via a ground-floor tank which guarantees an uninterrupted supply of drinking quality water whatever the demand.
The water tank at UTC Reading is divided into two chambers to allow easy maintenance and cleaning. However, a divided tank has to be carefully managed; both sides of the tank need to fill with water at the same rate from the rising main to ensure neither side becomes ‘static’ as this could lead to bacterial growth and stagnant water.
At UTC Reading, the water was controlled by two independent equilibrium valves which were not working simultaneously.
M&E contractors LJJ turned to Keraflo for a solution that would not only guarantee the safety of the water, but would also deliver flexible supply. They chose Tanktronic (TT43 and TT15), an electronic tank management system which provides a complete solution to managing and controlling tank filling, as well as monitoring/reporting water levels and temperature.
Taknktronic can be integrated into a building management system to alert the management team to any changes in the stored water. It also has a calendar (holiday) setting so that the building management team can vary tank capacity to match demand.
Unit 1 Woodley Park Estate
59-69 Reading Road