Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Lone worker protection provider Guardian24 has been entrusted to protect Gateway Family Services’ outreach staff via Smartphone apps.
As a Community Interest Company, Gateway Family Services works with the NHS and Local Authorities to provide health and well-being services to communities in Birmingham and the West Midlands. These services are delivered by pregnancy outreach workers and health trainers, who give one-to-one advice to clients in the community; often working alone which puts them at greater risk should an incident occur.
Having investigated various lone worker protection solutions, Gateway found Guardian24’s Smartphone app the most reliable and effective; consequently they ordered 60 licences for their outreach staff.
Available on all major operating platforms and certified to the lone worker standard - BS 8484, Guardian24’s app gives users the ability to raise the alarm in the event of an emergency. It also allows lone workers to log in and out of daily tasks, leaving details of their location and the expected duration. If an activity over runs Guardian24 will automatically call the lone worker to verify their safety. If the lone worker cannot be reached nominated respondents will be notified informing them of the overrun activity. This is a feature which Gateway have found invaluable.
Danny Dhadda, who manages one of the Outreach teams for Gateway, said: “With Guardian24’s app our workers have the reassurance that there is an effective system and protocols in place if for any reason a visit was to go awry, or if they felt unsafe and uncertain at any time whilst out in the community.”
20 - 24 East Street
KT17 1HS
0207 118 8247