Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Severn College offers two courses from IOSH designed to be interactive as well as informative.
During the course candidates take part in quiz type activities including a hazard spotting board game, making learning fun and enjoyable. At the end of the course there are two assessments which candidates undertake: 10 question, multiple-choice assessment paper (15 mins) and three hazard spotting exercises (15 mins).
The second course is the four-day Managing Safely course, although this won’t make candidates Health and Safety experts it will enable your managers and supervisors to carry out their health and safety responsibilities. IOSH has designed the course so managers and supervisors from any business will find it useful. It is an interactive fun course containing animations as well as video segments which are both memorable and thought provoking.
The course is delivered over eight modules, consisting of: An introduction, explaining why it is important to manage safely and what a manager’s responsibilities are. Module two is about assessing risks and risk assessments, and how to carry out risk assessments successfully; this naturally flows into controlling the risks in module three. Understanding responsibilities is then covered in module four. Here we look at what the law requires and the key parts of the health and safety management system. Investigating accidents and incidents is module six. This looks at how accidents and incidents occur, as well as how to carry out an investigation. Module seven; Measuring performance and how this is done. Here we answer the question… What is auditing? Module eight focuses on protecting the environment, what the impact of industry is on the environment and how pollution and waste can be controlled. We also look in to the elements of an environmental management system.
To end the course assessments are made up of a 25 question, multiple-format assessment paper and a risk assessment based project that is conducted on their own, in their own workplace.
4 Century Road
High Carr Business Park
01743 762300