Kelly Rose

Health and wellbeing programme

If an employee has a work-related problem which is preventing them from doing their job effectively, occupational health acts on behalf of the employer to assist the worker to recover from injury.

While this is vital within an organisation, it is job focused and doesn't necessarily help individuals (injured or not) reach their full potential in other aspects of their life which would help improve their overall wellbeing.

This is a view shared by Victoria Anderson, clinical director at Better Humans Technology, an Edinburgh-based start-up which combines digital technology, business and physiotherapy to help people think, feel and do better.

She explains: "It's our belief that organisations should be constantly helping their employees stay healthy, acting on their behalf whether they are injured on not, and most importantly viewing them as individuals not workers. Our thinking is that more companies need to continually place the person and their welfare first. This will help to unlock potential in all aspects of their lives, not just at work. If organisations encourage employees to create small, long-term life style changes which goes beyond the limit of their job and company, it will ultimately have a huge effect on business performance."

Better Humans Technology have created an active health and wellbeing platform combining personalised body and brain resilience training, while also giving individuals access to advice from specialist physiotherapists. Better Humans looks at body, brain and even mood health, and then compiles data results which offer tangible long-term benefits to employers.

Victoria adds: "Our REACH programme is an example of how employers can take a proactive approach to help ensure their employees stay fit and healthy. REACH is a unique blend of tests and digital training using the latest developments in neuroscience, motor imagery, visualisation and brain training. If followed the programme will create healthier, happier and more productive employees; lower absenteeism; improve engagement and retention rates; and ultimately enhance the performance of the company overall."

07724 582
victoria anderson (2)
victoria anderson (2)
Company Info

Better Humans Technology

52A Mortanhall Gate
EH16 6TJ

07724 582 157

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