Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
INCREASE WORKPLACE safety with Lockout/Tagout solutions from a single supplier. Brady outlines seven reasons why it is the preferred partner in Lockout/Tagout projects.
Easily de-energise machines during maintenance to prevent accidents related to moving machine parts and any type of machine energy. Manufacturers worldwide use solutions from Brady Corporation to optimise existing, and to implement complete Lockout/Tagout programmes that maximise workplace safety and protect employees.
Download the free Lockout/Tagout guide >>
Seven reasons Brady is the preferred partner in Lockout/Tagout projects:
Best-in-class lockout procedures:
no time to set up safe Lockout/Tagout procedures? Invite a Brady Safety Engineer to identify all machine energy isolation points and create illustrated, machine specific, world-wide best practice Lockout/Tagout procedures for your approval.
Optimal procedure management:
the process of managing, creating, updating, reviewing, scaling and communicating visually instructive lockout procedures becomes a matter of clicks.
Block access to any energy control point:
temporarily block access to valves, buttons, fuses and any energy isolation point with our complete range of dedicated Lockout/Tagout devices.
Best safety padlocks in the world:
effectively secure the isolated state of your machines during maintenance with our unique SafeKey padlocks that offer 700% more lock and key options for elaborate, futureproof lockout programmes.
Reliably identify every lockout:
easily communicate about ongoing maintenance interventions with reliable Lockout/Tagout tags that can be delivered to, or created at your premises with our safety printers.
Practical lockouts:
make Lockout/Tagout even more practical and efficient using our wide range of clever accessories.
Easily distribute lockout tools:
highlight the right solutions for specific lockouts, and encourage tool returns to the right location with our custom shadow boards.
Visit booth no. SH1400 at Health and Safety Expo 2022 and discover complete Lockout/Tagout solution from Brady corporation.
See how other companies benefit from Brady's approach. Check out these case studies >>
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